The Cheeseburger Sanction

The Cheeseburger Sanction

He saw the warning on the wall: read it, but ignored it. It was, after all, an absurd claim. His thoughts drifted for a moment, imagining a cartoonish wild-eyed hobo stapling signs like this all over town. Hunger swept the image from his mind. He stepped inside. A bell rang to announce his presence.

He was too occupied with thoughts of greasy cheeseburgers to notice every eye behind the counter turned toward him in seemingly choreographed unison.

"This one?" a young woman standing at the drive-thru window whispered into a black muffled microphone curled around her ear.

A voice -- no customer -- responded. "He is 97. Eliminate him."

"Does that complete your order?"

"It does."

The Cue

The cue for this week's 100 Word RPG Hook was the sign posted above, which I actually found stapled to an electrical pole in front of the local 7-11. It's been a truly ridiculously long time since I posted one of these, so I hope you remember me fondly. And always remember, DON'T EAT OUT. 

Foreword to a Never Published Work of Military History, Found in a Cache of Leaked Classified Documents

Foreword to a Never Published Work of Military History, Found in a Cache of Leaked Classified Documents