100 Word RPG Hook: Twas the Night Before


A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread! He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work. No...no. That's not right. It was terribly still, as if he -- it -- stood outside time. I stood frozen and utterly terrified as his little mouth twisted into a sickening, too-toothy grin.

I stood on the stair, praying that he would not climb to the childrens' rooms. My prayers went unanswered. He...he giggled as he bounced past my rooted, frozen form. We were...toys. Playthings.

And yet the verse keeps coming.

The cue for this week's 100 Word RPG Hook, we hope inspiration for the horror game of your choice,  was "playthings." We're taking a break for the next couple of weeks, but we'll be back with more 100 words in the new year!   

Image Credit: Public Domain

100 Word RPG Hook: Misleadingly Unremarkable

100 Word RPG Hook: Black Friday